What Can Stop You From Getting Laser Hair Reduction?

Laser Hair Reduction is a safe and effective way to remove body hair with long-lasting results but there are certain contraindications that must be considered before undergoing this procedure.

What Can Stop You From Getting Laser Hair Reduction?

Laser hair reduction is a safe, effective, and non-invasive way to remove body hair. According to Dr. Malik, it can significantly reduce hair in about six sessions, eliminating the need for regular body hair removal and providing long-lasting results. However, like all laser treatments, certain contraindications must be taken into account for your own safety.

Pregnancy is one of these contraindications, and this varies from patient to patient. Most patients can undergo laser hair reduction once every 4 to 6 weeks, and your dermatologist will tell you when it's safe to undergo other treatments. To avoid potentially uncomfortable side effects, Dr. Malik recommends doing research before selecting a treatment site.

Some of the most common side effects are mild discomfort in the treatment area after the procedure, which may include swelling, redness, and blisters. There are some possible more serious side effects, but Dr. Malik states that they are rare in the hands of an experienced, board-certified dermatologist. Less significant or no hair reduction is possible if the hair is too white or blond and the laser cannot detect it.

People who receive treatment for hormonal imbalances may also have little success in cases of hair regrowth, as they require more treatment or maintenance sessions than others. More serious side effects are more likely to occur in people with darker skin tones. A rare risk is that laser hair reduction may end up having the opposite effect and cause increased hair growth. It's also worth noting that some people may not notice enough hair reduction after the first session.

Once the area is ready, Dr. Malik says the skin stays tight while being treated with the laser. Dra. Tracy Evans points out that some current lasers can be nearly painless.

You should expect several follow-up treatments. Malik points out that, even after treatments, you may need an annual treatment as a touch-up. The anagen or growth phase of body hair lasts between four and six months and determines how long the hair grows. Laser hair reduction technology has made several advances in recent years, so there are still some clinics and medical spas that are not equipped with the latest devices on the market.

How quickly you'll see results depends on several factors, such as the number of hair follicles that are growing during treatment, the type of skin you have, and the color of your hair. People with fair skin and blonde, red, or gray hair will require eight to 12 treatments to remove unwanted hair from several large areas. Different areas of the body respond differently to laser hair reduction, which is why each area requires a different level of treatment. If hair growth is the result of a hormonal imbalance, laser hair reduction may not work at all for excess facial and body hair.

Today, laser hair reduction is a treatment option for patients who have fair hair and skin and for patients who have dark skin. As long as there isn't an active infection at the treatment site, there's a good chance you're a good candidate for laser hair reduction. Laser hair reduction, a safe and effective alternative to other hair removal methods such as shaving and waxing, promises a significant reduction in unwanted hair, especially when done by a trained professional who uses the right type of laser for your skin type. The first thing your laser hair reduction professional should explain to you is the life cycle of hair and why exactly several treatments are necessary.

Once treatments have been completed, other hair removal methods will likely not be needed and maintenance will be minimal. During laser hair reduction, the laser (intense rays of light that are projected onto the skin) is adjusted to target a specific pigmentation. If your laser hair treatments aren't optimally spaced in relation to your hair growth cycles, your laser treatments may not affect as many follicles as needed for the best results. Below you will find clear facts that will debunk all your myths about lasers - from causing hair growth (rarely) to having to avoid exposure to the sun (always).

There is another misconception that people with fair skin and blonde hair or dark skin and dark hair are bad candidates for laser hair reduction treatments. If you undergo laser hair treatment at a center with inadequate or outdated laser technology, there is a high chance that you will not get the kind of results you expect.

Daphne Gronquist
Daphne Gronquist

Evil bacon advocate. Incurable music guru. Hipster-friendly coffee maven. Award-winning music maven. Hipster-friendly social media specialist.