Can I Get Laser Hair Removal if I Have Tattoos or Piercings in the Area Being Treated?

The powerful technology used in laser hair removal focuses on deep pigmentation to damage and destroy follicles. Is it possible to get laser hair removal instead of a tattoo? Learn more about laser treatments for tattoos.

Can I Get Laser Hair Removal if I Have Tattoos or Piercings in the Area Being Treated?

The powerful and advanced technology used in laser hair removal focuses on deep hair pigmentation to damage and destroy follicles. If the laser is applied to a tattooed area, the pigment in the ink will be the target, causing burning, pain, and serious skin damage. In general, laser hair removal is a safe and effective treatment for removing unwanted hair as long as you don't have tattoos. A common question that is asked is “Is it possible to get laser hair removal instead of a tattoo? In short, no, laser hair removal instead of a tattoo is not recommended.

If a patient is undergoing laser hair removal and has a tattoo in the area being treated, the doctor performing the treatment will need to place a laser around the tattoo. Yes, tattooed patients can still undergo laser hair removal. First of all, the viability of the treatment will depend on the location of the tattoo. For example, if you decide to have a laser on your armpits despite having a tattoo on your forearms, your ink will be safe.

A thigh tattoo will have no impact on the upper lip or on Brazilian laser hair removal and vice versa. A few weeks after you're done with laser hair removal, you can contact your local tattoo artist and schedule a consultation to make sure it's safe to get a tattoo. In fact, laser hair removal is a treatment that leaves the skin very sensitive to external aggressors and sun damage. Laser tattoo removal offers people the option of removing a tattoo that they once thought could have been a permanent decision.

Laser hair removal

is an incredibly popular cosmetic treatment that permanently removes hair (or at least significantly reduces its density).

For example, you have a tattoo on the back of your calf and you want to remove unwanted body hair from your lower legs. Rather, the laser used for hair removal is intended to supply energy for the hair follicle to absorb, which in turn reduces its ability to produce more hair. Laser hair removal has been around since the late 1980s, but if you spend a lot of time on TikTok, you might think that the technique is a novel trend. This popularity is due, in part, to the Internet's recent obsession with home IPL hair removal devices.

Mentions about IPL hair removal have surpassed 23 million views on TikTok, allowing users to remove unwanted areas of hair from the comfort of their own home. With this in mind, Green points out that white and gray hair is not suitable for laser hair removal, since there is not enough pigment for the laser to reach it. Now that you know that laser hair removal is ruled out if you have tattoos, you might be wondering what you can do to remove unwanted hair from your body. You may need to remove tattoo hair with other methods, such as waxing or shaving, since those methods don't affect tattoos.

For this reason, if a tattoo were to come into contact with a hair removal laser, the pigment would absorb the energy and would not be able to cool down quickly enough, leading to a blister and possible damage to the tattoo and skin. Although laser hair removal is not classified as a permanent hair removal method, many patients still undergo permanent hair removal. Since only 20% of all body hair is in this specific stage at any given time, one session can treat up to 20% of the hair.

Daphne Gronquist
Daphne Gronquist

Evil bacon advocate. Incurable music guru. Hipster-friendly coffee maven. Award-winning music maven. Hipster-friendly social media specialist.