Can Laser Hair Removal be Used on Sensitive Areas of the Body?

Learn how laser hair removal can be used safely on sensitive areas of the body such as face, legs, arms, armpits and even genitals. Find out how many sessions are needed for a 70% reduction in hair growth.

Can Laser Hair Removal be Used on Sensitive Areas of the Body?

When it comes to laser hair removal, many people are concerned about its safety and effectiveness on sensitive areas of the body. Fortunately, laser hair removal is gentle enough to be used even on the most delicate parts of the body. The face is one of the most common areas to receive laser treatments, as many people, especially women, want to remove dark hair from their upper lip, chin, neck, and sideburns. The laser only penetrates the upper layer of the skin to the hair follicle, making it completely safe for use on sensitive areas. In fact, laser hair removal can be used on almost any part of the body, including legs, arms, armpits, and even genitals.

Laser Bar and Spa in Chicago, IL offers laser hair removal treatments that can reduce hair growth in just three sessions. The laser treatment is highly precise and can target specific hair follicles. This means that you can reduce hair growth in certain areas while leaving other parts untouched. For example, you can use laser hair removal to reduce hair growth on your abdomen or bikini area for increased comfort and reduced shower time. The technique works by using special diode lasers that heat up the hair follicles and damage them to prevent future hair growth. Depending on the area being treated, you may need four to six sessions for a 70% reduction in hair growth.

Laser treatments are also safe for use on arms and legs, as well as the buttocks and Brazilian area. Finally, your eyes will be protected during treatments to remove hair from any other part of your body. This ensures that you can safely receive laser treatments without worrying about any potential risks.

Daphne Gronquist
Daphne Gronquist

Evil bacon advocate. Incurable music guru. Hipster-friendly coffee maven. Award-winning music maven. Hipster-friendly social media specialist.